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Baby update week 20
The baby is practicing swallowing and digesting this week. She's also getting tastes from momma's diet each day, while her taste buds start to develop. Researchers say that babies who are exposed to certain tastes via amniotic fluid are more eager to eat foods with similar tastes after birth. So fruits, veggies, and protein are key.

Lots of twisting, turning, and somersaults going on, all though, I'm not feeling dramatic movements, I certainly feel her little legs kicking me here and there. With all that movement you would think the baby doesn't sleep at all, but she sleeps as much as a newborn nearly 12-14 hours a day.

Momma is doing well and growing a little more every day. The maternity clothes have come in handy, even though they are not the most sexy, I do enjoy the comfort. No stretch marks to be seen yet, however, I am not shy with the cocoa butter and vitamin e oil. I'm also noticing caffeine effects me more then ever. In fact, I am very conscientious of how much coffee and soda I drink each day and have decided to cut back considerably, some days avoiding it all together. No signs of swelling either.

This is just too easy! 
