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Email update December 1st
December 1, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. This year our family celebrated our thanks by dining out at the Shores Resort and Spa. It was beautiful and food was great. We were blessed to have my brother Marc and sister Stephanie visiting.

This past weeks doctor appointment reported a little too much weight gain at 7 pounds, totaling 24 pounds since the first trimester. I was cautioned to take it easy on the sweets especially with the holidays. I did well on both my Glucose and Vitamin D tests. My Iron reported a little low but was told it was not a big concern.  I am now scheduling every 2 week appointments up until 36 weeks. Watch for the next update. 

Since I have been sending email updates, I've been receiving comments from family and friends and wanted to share them with everyone. I've added a Guestbook to my website, be sure to check it out. Also, if you haven't done so already, feel free to sign and send your comments, I love to read them! I also have a new Poll.

The baby shower was such a great success. Thank you so much to both Moms, Aunt Anne, Aunt Gwen, and my friend Hillary. Without you all we wouldn't have had so much fun planning and enjoying the party. It was so great seeing everyone and being able to share this special moment with family and friends. Make sure to check out the photo gallery. If anyone has pictures please email them. I'm planning on doing a baby shower scrap book!

Also, I've added a few friends to my email updates, so if this is your first time receiving one, be sure to read my past email updates in News on my website. 

Well, the countdown begins and we are getting VERY excited. My maternity leave starts December 15th to part time work and then in January I'll be home full time. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to take this time off and I couldn't do it without the support of my family.

Stay tuned and Happy Holidays everyone!

Love - Val